Welcome to, what I hope will be, a pleasant trip down memory lane as seen through my eyes with the help of my best friend, collaborator, and founder of the group, Jim Brickner. I hope you enjoy it and will tolerate any inaccuracies in my memories caused by the passing of many years. Just click on the tabs above and watch the years fly by. – Greg Burnett, Lead Singer, City Squires
The City Squires got its roots in a group called The Jaguars. It was started in 1963 by Jim Brickner (when he was 13 years old) on guitar and Roland Solomon (12 years old) on bass guitar. The original band included Jim, Roland, and Tom Sitzler (drums). Tom Kent (lead vocals and rhythm guitar) joined the band shortly thereafter and Tom Sitzler left just as quickly. Dale Zack, a schoolmate of Tom’s, replaced him on drums.
The Jaguars Circa 1963 Left to Right; Tom Kent, Jim Brickner, Dale Zack, and Roland Solomon.